3. Weight loss tips
Weight loss is all about Eating your food
Most of the time people think that if they eat less or skip their meals they will lose weight, but truly speaking weight/Fat loss is all about eating right(as your body requires), on time and eating frequent meals.
Papaya Diet, banana diet, fruit diet….please excuse me
If you think these diets help you to reduce your weight then you are on another planet.
May be you lose weight but it will not last longer, I mean there are chance that you will regain that so called lost weight over a period of time.
I personally believe in a gradual fat loss with complete/balanced diet.
Eat whole fruits- No to juices
Have whole fruit instead of 1 glass of fruit juice.
In today’s life every body says that they do not have time for their fruit intake. So what they do, they bought a packed juice/ nectar (Company doesn’t matter) and keep that fully loaded vitamins & mineral (which is actually not) pack in their refrigerator and consume it daily to fulfill the daily requirement of their diet.
But truly speaking they are not as good as you think. They are loaded with sugar and made after churning and grinding of those delicious fruits.
Don't skip any of your meal
Skipping meals actually makes you fat!!!!!
Don't be.
Well, people generally skip their meals to lose their weight. But unfortunately they don’t lose weight. Instead o weight they lose their health and stamina.
If you skip meals and eat less, your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) goes down which leads to less usage of fat and thus do not aggravate fat to burn and the result is No weight Loss.
The Only thing which you lose at last is Hope of losing weight !!!!!
Start your day with a whole fruit instead of Tea/coffee
Tea or coffee suppresses the BMR , which ultimately hampers the fat burning process.
So, Grab a whole fruit and say yourself-Good Morning !!!!!
Finish your last meal 2 hours prior to bed
Body also need some time to prepare itself again for the next morning. So finish the dinner by 8 pm or 8.30 pm.